Thursday, March 21, 2013


I recently watched a documentary about the women who buy and collect haute couture. Apparently there is a 'secret' club of women, who prefer not to be in the spotlight, that are allowed first access to the couture collections straight from the runway in Paris. I learnt a few interesting things from the documentary, like couture can only be couture if it is signed off by a council and is made in Paris, but the most entertaining for me was meeting the women of the exclusive club. One in particular stood out to me the most and that was Daphne Guinness. Softly spoken with her black and white hair, adorned with tough, amour-like jewellery, Daphne speaks to the interviewer from her immaculately furnished New York apartment. I was instantly taken with her style and persona. I love people who are fearless with their style. People who push the boundaries and most importantly don't really care what anyone else thinks! That to me is true style and sometimes I think it can get lost in all of the "fashion" - trends and the 'must-haves', 'what's hot' of the moments. Daphne is a woman of true style with all of the makings of an icon. So much so that she is the inspiration behind the get-up of  Lady Gaga! She is also fabulous for her quotes so I will finish this post with one of my favourites so far:

"It's a barrier and also a form of self respect. We're the only species on Earth that clothe ourselves, so why not clothe ourselves well?" - Daphne Guiness