Friday, November 1, 2013


I have always been a bit festive. I love holidays like Christmas and Easter, or any occasion with a theme. Whenever Halloween would roll around when we were young my sisters and I would watch back-to-back special Halloween episodes of all of the shows on Disney Channel. We would live out our Halloween fantasies through the TV shows because it is not widely celebrated here in Australia. One of the benefits of living out of home is being able to do what ever you want - in last night's case it was celebrating Halloween! I made a black and orange tassel garland, covered the chairs in fake cobwebs, made these cute jack-o-lanterns from plastic cups and Donna Hay's jack-o-lantern pizzas! After dinner we took our food comas to the couch, ate some candy and watched our favourite Halloween movie The Haunted Mansion. It was the perfect spooky night in.

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